Sunday, September 14, 2008

SNL is brillz. the youth say (what is up with 'em abbreviating words and adding -z's at the end? Me confused).

Tina Fey got it down.

And another interesting read from Nueva York Tiempos re: Palin and her (super sketchy) rise to "governor." Such the Paris Hilton of politicians. I wish I had been her high school classmate; then I would have a nicely paid job. & another one from columnist Dowd:

"I’ve been in Alaska only a week, but I’m already feeling ever so much smarter about Russia.

I can’t quite see it from my hotel window, but, hey, I know it’s out there somewhere, beyond all the stuffed bears and cruise ships and glaciers and oil derricks."

I once flew Alaska Airlines, I guess I should be a diplomat for all Russia-Alaska affairs.

& one from SFGate. Willie Brown begins his op-ed with: "For first time in modern history, a presidential race is actually going to be decided by the vice presidential pick." So (unfortunately) true.

FYI, (I think) I will stop posting Palin-related posts. Or, at least, keep it down to a minimum.

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