Friday, January 16, 2009

Música: Empowerment.

I am a life long musician coming from a family of musicians...It always happily surprises me how great music can be empowering, can make me smile, can make me re/instill passion.

I was watching Telehit the other day and I saw this [I hate that this word is overused, but...] eclectic, simple simple music, but it was charming...the band "Hello Seahorse!"...they made me smile without me realizing it until the last chord was strummed...Upon googling 'em [What ever happened to altavista, ask punto com, and all those search engines?], I ran into this amazing blog that weblogs amazing [word count: II] music from "Latin America"....Go out and there check it.

...I already found a band that makes me smile. It's not loud, it's not overtly revolutionary...I enjoy its quiet simplicity. It's very much journal-writing music, hammack laying one...

Viva la música!

1 comment:

Carlos Reyes said...

Hey, thanks for the love! keep in touch. And yes Jovenes y Sexys are great, so is Hello Seahorse.


Editor-Webmaster, Club Fonograma