Tuesday, October 21, 2008

La prop del 8.

While I personally push for more rights for single people (why do you need to be in a relationship with another person to get more rights? Coupled people have more rights and "voice" than single people and I don't get that), I am adamantly against Prop. 8. The SF Chronicle gives an interesting, albeit frustrating, read and the Central Valley will lead to its success. The CV will always be the "bible belt" of California...from Stockton to Modesto to Livingston to Fresno to Delano. I have yet to see a No on 8 sign anywhere. Why oh why?

No on 8. Where is the progress?

Monday, October 13, 2008

The silent elephant in the debate room

Not a debater, talking head, or person at a rally have asked either of them- Obama & "the other one"- about immigration and immigration reform. The SF Chronicle today came out with this question that I have been wondering: when are they going to address this big silent elephant in the room, known as immigration. An interesting, quick read with direct quotes from the candidates.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fallece lider campesino, Ramiro Guillén Tapia, en Jalapa, VZ

Un gran hombre, paisano, campesino, lider de la Co­mi­sión Pro De­re­chos Hu­ma­nos, persona, ser hombre passed away by lighting himself on fire en Xalapa, Vz, outside the Governor's office...in the name of the revolution, x los derechos de los indigenas, l@s campesin@s, y pa' tod@s...

¡Qué viva! En español y en ingles.